Positive Psychology

Ever since I was introduced to Positive Psychology through my Coach Training Institute, Mentor Coach, I have become riveted.  It is almost a magnetic attraction that I cannot help but be drawn in that direction. 

Positive Psychology has its roots in Humanistic Psychology.  It focuses on what makes for a good life.  This was at the core of Humanistic Psychology back in the 1950’s – 60’s when Maslow talked about the ‘Self Realizing Person’.  The term self-actualizing keeps it in the present continuous tense.  I firmly believe we are constantly evolving and ‘becoming’. Maslow was the first to use the term ‘Positive Psychology’ moving the emphasis away from dysfunction and disease, and shining the spotlight on human motivation and self-actualization.   

Martin Seligman is recognized as the father of Positive Psychology even though Maslow and others came before him.  In his book ‘Flourish’ he refers to how he has been ‘part of a tectonic upheaval in psychology called Positive Psychology, a scientific and professional movement’. 

Positive Psychology is the scientific study of human flourishing, of optimal behavior of people at their best. It is also called the scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The field is founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, work, and play.

Its 3 pillars are positive experiences, positive individual traits and positive institutions.  It is about being content with the past, happy in the present and hopeful of the future.  It is life giving!

It is a type of psychology that takes a person from a neutral place to a place of heightened happiness and fulfillment. Traditionally, most of the focus has been on working with clients to move from ‘surviving to striving’. Positive Psychology shifts the focus on working with clients to move to the higher level of ‘thriving’.

Empowering clients to go from ‘Surviving to Striving to Thriving’ or in other words from ‘Languishing to Managing to Flourishing’!