Self-compassion: The steel behind it

Photo by Laurenz Kleinheider on Unsplash

You might well ask, ‘What is all this ruckus about self-compassion?’  At first glance it may seem frivolous and self-indulgent, causing you to shrug your shoulders and dismiss it as being inconsequential.  But stay, there is substance here.
Self-compassion is not as light and fluffy as it seems.  It is hefty and flinty at its very core.  It is not a weakness, but a strength.  It is the foundation upon which rests our self-image, world-view, relationships, choices, endeavors to solve problems and achieve great things. 

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Self-Compassion: A powerful love potion

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

“Write yourself a love letter”, says Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, MD, in his crisp British accent. I almost stumbled on my walk when I heard this phrase as I listened to his book ‘Happy Mind, Happy Life: The New Science of Mental Well-being’ (2022). For many of us this might easily strike a note of skepticism.  Now consider his assertion, “the reason New Year’s resolutions don’t last is because they are not coming from a place of love, but a place of lack.”  A 2020 study highlights a strong connection between self-compassion and physical health. 

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Aspiration vs Ambition

Photo by Gene Devine on Unsplash

An equestrian trains for months to participate in horse competitions, events such as show-jumping, dressage, or cross-country riding.  In these equine events s/he is showcasing the partnership between horse and rider.  Athletic skills requiring precision in horse’s balance and responsiveness, along with the rider’s harmonious connection and communication with the horse are practiced and polished.  The rider may enter the summer Olympics for such events. If his focus is endurance and horse racing, he might set his sights on the Kentucky Derby.
The ambition to achieve a specific goal drives the rider’s motivation and propels her through the grueling work of preparing and perfecting skills needed to attain that end.  The goal to win the coveted Gold Medal at the Olympics, or the Derby Trophy at the ‘Run for the Roses’ may be the grand ambition.  But what if she aspires for greater horsemanship?  What would shift?

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Mattering at Work

Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash

Workplace meaning can be a ‘hot potato’ topic for many leaders.  The wariness could stem from the realization that it seeps into such esoteric areas as religion and spirituality.  The word meaning is inherently both rich and broad, robust and expansive.  Kellerman and Seligman in Tomorrowmind believe workplace meaning is a term that lends itself to ambiguity and hence managers shy away from such conversations with their team members. 

The authors offer the term ‘Mattering’ as a more measurable and actionable alternative.  At the end of the day we want to know that our work matters and makes an impact.  What we do influences other people, organizations, processes, environment, or the world.  We make a difference!  Mattering can be considered a highly concrete subset of meaning

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Create Meaning in your Work

Photo by Adrian Mag on Unsplash

American explorer Mark Dickey was rescued on September 12th from a deep cave in Turkey after becoming ill and being trapped for 9 days.  It was more than a mile below the earth’s surface.  You might wonder what draws people into the belly of the earth.  On the surface these hazardous situations baffle us.  Dig deeper.  You will find purpose.  He was on a mission to map one of the deepest caves in the world.  Cartography is needed to research mineral resources, protect water supplies and many other invaluable uses for the planet.  An explorer’s mission is noble. 

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The Spark & Work of Creativity

Photo by Jennie Razumnaya on Unsplash

The VIA Institute on Character classifies the free-spirited character strength of Creativity under the stately virtue of Wisdom. It groups together those strengths that gather and use knowledge.  How does this apply to creativity?  At first glance creativity appears to be something that happens spontaneously, with the leeway to roam and meander whimsically with no purpose or plan set to action.  Yet the VIA Institute proclaims unequivocally “There are two essential components to Creativity – originality and adaptiveness.”  Innovation is only the beginning when it sparks imagination.  It has to be followed up with practical use for it to be considered creativity. 

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Positivity Resonance

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

A young woman is demonstrating to her eager grandmother the world of connectivity through the mobile phone.  It is captivating to see the genuine joy of one and the incredulous delight of the other.  This moment in time is alive with shared energy that is emotional, social, psychological and biological. 
This is that moment when both parties experience the positive effects of social connection. Mirror neurons (type of brain cells) are firing in the brain, heart rates are syncing, oxytocin also known as the ‘love hormone’ is being released, and the parasympathetic nervous system is being activated lowering all vital signs to equilibrium.  This brings us to a rest and recharge mode.  It is a biological wonder that brings about ‘an embodied feeling of connection”. 

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When Boredom sneaks up on You

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Sister Elisabetha, Principal at St. Ann’s High School, Secunderabad, India, was a tall, stately, well-liked nun.  Her imposing figure in a well-pressed habit and veil commanded respect.  I remember her especially for her two edicts.  First, “Don’t show all your thirty two teeth.  Learn to smile like a lady.” The other was, “I do not ever want to hear that you are bored.  There is always something to do.”
I was not quite able to embrace the first dictum.  I just could not muster a demure smile, invariably sporting a Cheshire cat grin instead.  The second counsel I integrated somewhat fiercely.  Whenever I felt the smallest whiff of boredom, I got busy with something.  I told myself it was a slippery slope I never wanted to go down.  Alarm bells would go off and I scuttled to find a task to do, or an idea to focus on.  I have shuddered at the thought of boredom. 

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Your Prism for Tomorrow

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

As a grandfather gazes into the eyes of his infant granddaughter spellbound, he may ponder, “What moonshot will she aspire to?  Will she go to Mars?”  As his  grandchild stares into the eyes of her adoring grandfather mesmerized,  she may wonder, “Who is this? What’s he all about?”  They are both transfixed, full of awe and curiosity, looking through their own lens, into the lens of the other, that then transforms into a prism of boundless possibilities.
When you look through a triangular prism you see white light being dispersed into a rainbow of brilliant colors.  The same principle of physics can be applied to life and work too.  When you look at a situation through the prism of positivity you see a rainbow of vivid possibilities.  

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